Sustainable Steam & Water Solutions Inc.

Sustainable Steam & Water Solutions, Inc. is based in Greencastle, Indiana, and has documented over a trillion BTU’s in energy savings worldwide for organizations as small as critical access hospitals to some of the largest of Fortune 500 companies.

Sustainable Steam & Water Solutions, Inc. was established in 2009 to provide steam, and water system consulting services to the food, beverage, bio-fuels, healthcare, manufacturing, and other industries or facilities which use steam or hot water boilers in the course of their operations.

Sustainable Steam has executed over 350 steam system energy projects in Alabama, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, West Virginia, Washington, and Wisconsin in the United States as well as Bulgaria, Canada, Slovakia, The Netherlands, and Turkey.

Feel free to take a look around but be sure to check out What We Do, and don’t forget to send us a note if you have any questions.